A quick guide to destructuring

Posted on in Training

I was pairing with a junior engineer and we came across a piece of code that confused them. It was around destructuring variables from an object, so rather than send a slack message, I thought I’d write a quick blog post on the subject.

Here’s an object:

const user = {
	firstName: 'Jack',
	lastName: 'Smith',
  	age: 30,

If you wanted a variable called firstName with the value of user.firstName, you could do this:

const firstName = user.firstName;

But that gets a bit verbose when you also need lastName and age:

const firstName = user.firstName;
const lastName = user.lastName;
const age = user.age;

To solve this, ES6 added destructuring assignment. So, to assign those same variables in a functionally equivalent way, you can do the following:

const { firstName, lastName, age } = user;

Much neater. But if you’ve not encountered this syntax before, it’s understandably quite confusing to see what looks like an object being used backwards to the ‘normal’ way.

Bonus tips

You can also use destructuring to ‘spread’ the remaining variables after the initial assignment into a new object:

const { age, ...rest } = object;
// rest contains { firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Smith' }

Finally, you can also access nested variables in child objects:

const user = {
	firstName: 'Jack',
	lastName: 'Smith',
  	age: 30,
	favouriteMeals: {
		breakfast: ['pancakes', 'yoghurt'],
		lunch: ['sandwiches']

const { firstName, favouriteMeals: { breakfast, lunch } } = user;

This assigns the variables: firstName, breakfast, and lunch, but crucially, doesn’t assign favouriteMeals.

Posted on in Training