Named exports withApollo in Typescript React

Posted on in Web

I came across a small hurdle when working with GraphQL fragments. To get access to the Apollo client, it needed to be wrapped in the withApollo higher-order component, a task which is usually straightforward. However, things are a little more tricky when the component uses named exports.

Here’s a ‘standard’ component as a starting point:

import * as React from 'react'

class Sidebar extends React.Component {
  public render() {
    // ...

export { Sidebar }

On the surface, that final line looks like a ordinary object with property/value shorthand, but sadly that’s not the case. Assignment within that ‘object’ is not allowed, it only accepts a comma separated list. This prevents withApollo being assigned in a ‘normal’ object-y way:

export { Sidebar: withApollo(Sidebar) }

The solution

Although not very elegant, the best solution I found was to rename the original class declaration and export the correctly named wrapped variable:

import { withApollo } from 'react-apollo';

class SidebarComponent extends React.Component {
  public render() {
    // ...

export const Sidebar = withApollo(SidebarComponent);

Now with added Typescript

The above code works well in JS-land, but Typescript tends to get a bit grumpy. The component needs to be aware of props being passed in from the withApollo HOC. The solution is to add a new type to the component:

import * as React from 'react';
import { withApollo, WithApolloClient } from 'react-apollo';

class SidebarComponent extends React.Component<WithApolloClient<{}>> {
  public render() {
    // ...

export const Sidebar = withApollo(SidebarComponent);

If you already have some custom props defined on the component, they can be nested within the WithApolloClient annotation:

interface Props {
  id: number;

class SidebarComponent extends React.Component<WithApolloClient<Props>>

Posted on in Web