Linear Interpolation Functions

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I wrote a blog post some months back on Linear Interpolation. It was a subject I knew very little about at the time, having not done a great deal of animation work. But now I know a little more, I’ve found it’s been one of those techniques I keep coming back to for most projects.

What I’ve learned is that interpolation isn’t just about animation, or even about visual things—it’s about data conversion.

Aside: that might sound a bit heavy or dry, but it’s how my brain works! I love how different coding concepts ‘click’ for different people in different ways.

Among more traditional animation-y things, I’ve used these techniques to calculate rotary dial positions on the guitar pedalboard, mapped usernames to fallback avatars on Daisie and plotted typographic graphs on a side project I’m currently building.

The four functions

const lerp = (x, y, a) => x * (1 - a) + y * a;
const clamp = (a, min = 0, max = 1) => Math.min(max, Math.max(min, a));
const invlerp = (x, y, a) => clamp((a - x) / (y - x));
const range = (x1, y1, x2, y2, a) => lerp(x2, y2, invlerp(x1, y1, a));

There’s a Typescript version at the bottom of the page, if you’re that way inclined.


A lerp returns the value between two numbers at a specified, decimal midpoint:

lerp(20, 80, 0)   // 20
lerp(20, 80, 1)   // 80
lerp(20, 80, 0.5) // 50

It’s great for answering gnarly maths questions like: “What number is 35% between 56 and 132?" with elegance: lerp(56, 132, 0.35). My maths skills aren’t all that, so it’s great to have these up my sleeve.

Here’s an example that converts a range slider set between 0 and 1, to a hsl() colour with hue degrees of 11 through 60.


The clamp method is wonderfully dull. You give it a number and then a minimum & maximum. If your number falls within the bounds of the min & max, it’ll return it. If not, it’ll return either the minimum it’s smaller, or the maximum if it’s bigger.

clamp(24, 20, 30) // 24
clamp(12, 20, 30) // 20
clamp(32, 20, 30) // 30

It’s really handy for preventing absurd numbers from entering a calculation, stopping an element from rendering off screen, or controlling the edges of a <canvas>.

Here’s an example that lets you add or subtract 10 from the current number, but clamped between 0 and 100.

Inverse Lerp

This works in the opposite way to the lerp. Instead of passing a decimal midpoint, you pass any value, and it’ll return that decimal, wherever it falls on that spectrum. Internally it also uses a clamp, so you never get unwieldy values back.

invlerp(50, 100, 75)  // 0.5
invlerp(50, 100, 25)  // 0
invlerp(50, 100, 125) // 1

This is great for scroll animations. Questions like “How far through this section has the user scrolled?" can be neatly answered with code like:

const position = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const howFarThrough = invlerp(,

Here’s an example that tracks the percentage scroll position of a target slab against the viewport.


This final method is ace. It’s a one-liner that converts a value from one data range to another. That might sound a bit arbitrary, but it’s surprisingly useful. We pass in two data ranges and a value that sits within data range one (it will still be clamped).

//    Range 1    Range 2    Value
range(10, 100, 2000, 20000, 50) // 10000

Taking the previous example up a notch, let’s say that as the user scrolls through a section, we want to subtly move an element down the page by 150px. The section is in the middle of the document, starting at 3214px and ending at 3892px, and we want to convert window.scrollY from the big range down to a value between 0px and 150px. That’s a pretty nasty calculation to make, but range() makes it nice and clean.

const position = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const transformY = range(,

If the user is above the section, it’ll be clamped to 0px. If they’re below, it’ll be clamped to 150px. And in all positions in between, it’ll evenly interpolate between the values.

The final example takes the previous Codepen and maps the result against a transform: translateY range of -20% to 20%. Parallax, eat your heart out.

Typescript version

const lerp = (x: number, y: number, a: number) => x * (1 - a) + y * a;
const invlerp = (x: number, y: number, a: number) => clamp((a - x) / (y - x));
const clamp = (a: number, min = 0, max = 1) => Math.min(max, Math.max(min, a));
const range = (
  x1: number,
  y1: number,
  x2: number,
  y2: number,
  a: number
) => lerp(x2, y2, invlerp(x1, y1, a));

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